Say What Now???

April 2024 [Vol 3]  

ChristianFellowship Evangelistic Church, Inc is a house of worship for congregants, a beacon of hope and support for the community, and a safe haven for community members, the disenfranchised, and members of the congregation.

challenges, some old and others brand new.  Yet, as we navigate them all with God’s grace we are still here, breathing on schedule.  But get this – I choose to learn from these experiences.  Our challenge is to ask our Heavenly Father “What should I learn from these times?” so that we get insight the FIRST time.  Proverbs 4:7 GNT states “Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do. Whatever else you get, get insight.”  Since we can’t go back and do it all over again (Groundhog Day movie anyone?), let’s choose to learn how to handle things better in the future.  Me finally learning enough to avoid the exact same lesson over and over is called wisdom.  No sir. 2024 isn’t done yet, but if we position ourselves to learn from our own lives, then we will be much more sophos than moros!  So let’s keep learning & growing, and whatever else you get, embrace wisdom!  Peace.

Pastor Mike

Recent Events

Assistant Pastor Melissa Bolden’s Anniversary Celebration

Pastor Bolden, we love you, we are proud of all you have accomplished, we recognize all you do to help CFEC accomplish our mission, and we are overjoyed to count you as one of our own!  

Pictured above (Top: Assistant Pastor Melissa Bolden; Row 2: L to R Anniversary Cake, Assistant Pastor Melissa Bolden and her husband, Deacon Terrance Bolden, Assistant Pastor Melissa Bolden; Row 3: L to R Slide Show, Youth Verbal Congratulations, Youth Presentation. [Photo Credit: Elder Judy Sherman and Deacon Terrance Bolden]

Spotlight on Audio-Visual Ministry

With technological advances on the rise, CFEC is extremely proud of our Audio-Visual Ministry. The CFEC AV Team is a vital component of CFEC, and the product they provide contributes much to the quality of our service. Bethany Kea is the Chief Engineer of the CFEC Audio-Visual Ministry. Other members of the CFEC AV Ministry include Danielle Outterbridge, Caylin Bolden, Jordan Terrell, and Jaden Gordy. The AV Team is responsible for setting up Zoom, Facebook Live, service recordings, controlling sound online and in the sanctuary, camera operation and control, attendance, project scriptures, song lyrics, and special announcements on the screen in the sanctuary, perform quality control checks, correct any and all AV deficiencies, and stay abreast of new audio-visual techniques. The entire CFEC AV Team is comprised of CFEC youth. Not only do they provide a stellar audio-visual product, they all attend school, perform their service as volunteers, are prompt, professional, respectful, pleasant, respond readily to requests for assistance, and ensure they epitomize excellence in word and deed.

(Pictured below Left to Right: Bethany Kea and Jordan Terrell). [Photo Credit: Elder Kevin Outterbridge]

(Left to Right: Jordan Terrell and Bethany Kea in AV Booth during Sunday service on March 17, 2024)


***Contributions to our newsletter are encouraged. If you would like to include something in CFEC: Say What Now??? email your copy to top1sg1@gmail.com NLT the 20th of the month. Community events, accomplishments of members, etc. We would be pleased to publish all uplifting copy. If possible, please include a photo, your name, and a number where you can be reached with all copy. It takes a village to make CFEC: Say What Now??? a success!

CFEC Contact Information

CFEC, 2331 W. Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132

Phone: (215)225-3090

Email address: cfecministry@gmail.com

Zoom:  (ID) 810 964 3142 (PW) cfec2020

Web page: www.CFEC.church

Connect with CFEC (Text messages, etc.): (662)367-9273