Say What Now???

May 2024 [Vol 4]  

ChristianFellowship Evangelistic Church, Inc is a house of worship for congregants, a beacon of hope and support for the community, and a safe haven for community members, the disenfranchised, and members of the congregation.

declutter some areas of your life that have long been weighed down.  In fact, we’ve become used to this clutter as a part of our existence.  Get rid of it!  Hebrews 12:1(NLV) ”…Let us put every thing out of our lives that keeps us from doing what we should. Let us keep running in the race that God has planned for us”  Our goal is clearing out clutter and sin in order to run our race.  God has more for you which means making up our minds, and making changes!  You know what that means…  Go get it and go for it!  Much Love!

Pastor Mike

Recent Events

Hymn Sing!!!

S.H.A.P.E. Session - Gardening

Free Wifi for the Neighborhood

Our church now provides Free, Fast, Wi-Fi for anyone in range, near the church.  This is the launch of our CFEC “Connect” strategy which meets a need for many elders & youth in our area.  As a bonus, every time someone connects, they see information on our church and an invitation to visit.  In the last 3 weeks, more dozens of persons have used this connection to the internet!

Graduate Corner

CFEC Graduate Corner: Please join us in offering congratulations to CFEC’s most recent graduate. Assistant Pastor, Melissa Bolden earned her Ph.D from Cabrini University in Educational Leadership on 9 April 2024. We are extremely proud of your accomplishment, Dr. Melissa Bolden! To God be the glory!

*** We ask all of our graduates(certificates and degrees) to inform us when you complete your studies. We are proud of you and would love to spotlight your achievements in our newsletter. Just submit a photo, information about what course/program you completed, the date you completed it, and what school you attended. 

May Spotlight: CFEC Deacon Ministry

Most churches  have deacons. CFEC is no exception to that rule. The role of deacons is to assist the pastor in performing pastoral duties. Some of the duties CFEC deacons perform include praying for members ofthe congregation (and anyone that has a need for prayer), assisting with communion, visiting the sick and shut-in, shopping for supplies (non perishable items), and various other duties as needed. CFEC has six deacons: Deacon Arthur Anderson, Deacon Terrance Bolden, Deacon Deanna Kea, Deacon Dewanda Taylor, Deacon Cynta Outterbridge, and Deacon Keith Outterbridge. Deacons perform their duties voluntarily. They aren’t paid, but they work tirelessly to ensure everything at CFEC runs smoothly, is in good order, and brings credit to God’s Glory. Each of the deacons were asked what they found most rewarding about being a deacon at CFEC. Only three responses were received, and they are included below.     


***Contributions to our newsletter are encouraged. If you would like to include something in CFEC: Say What Now??? email your copy to NLT the 20th of the month. Community events, accomplishments of members, etc. We would be pleased to publish all uplifting copy. If possible, please include a photo, your name, and a number where you can be reached with all copy. It takes a village to make CFEC: Say What Now??? a success!

CFEC Contact Information

CFEC, 2331 W. Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132

Phone: (215)225-3090

Email address:

Zoom:  (ID) 810 964 3142 (PW) cfec2020

Web page:

Connect with CFEC (Text messages, etc.): (662)367-9273